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From the 4-day Inca Trail to Vegan Vitality: A Breakthrough Journey of Health and Enlightenment

From the 4-day Inca Trail to Vegan Vitality: A Breakthrough Journey of Health and Enlightenment

Embarking on the Inca Trail, I anticipated a journey steeped in ancient mystery and breathtaking landscapes, but what unfolded was an unexpected voyage of self-discovery and transformation. This path, once trodden by the Incas, winding through the majestic Andes, became the backdrop for a profound awakening. As I traversed this historic trail, every step taken amidst the whispers of the past and the unparalleled beauty of nature stirred something deep within me. It was on this rugged terrain, surrounded by the raw splendor of the Earth, that I found clarity and inspiration to embrace a lifestyle I had never considered before: veganism.

This transition was not just about changing my diet; it was a holistic transformation that affected every aspect of my life and health. The physical challenges of the hike, combined with the introspection it encouraged, led me to question and ultimately redefine my relationship with food, health, and the environment. Through this article, I invite you on my journey from the Inca Trail to vegan vitality—a journey that has not only enlightened my understanding of wellness but has also illuminated the path to a more compassionate and sustainable way of living. Join me as we explore how this ancient trail lead to my modern revelations about health, happiness, and the profound impact of my dietary choices.

Embarking on a transformative journey often leads us through unexpected paths, and mine took me all the way to the heart of Peru, culminating in an eye-opening experience that redefined my approach to health and self-care. As my husband and I touched down back home on October 5th, 2023, my mind was swirling with memories of the Inca Trail, an experience that pushed my limits like never before.

Before setting off for Peru, I had already embarked on a quest to improve my health. I shed 12 lbs through diligent work with a nutritionist, counting my macros meticulously, and ensuring that everything I consumed was part of a carefully considered plan. My regimen included strict training, consisting of long hikes during weekends—some featuring significant elevation gains, others at high altitude—complemented by daily 5-mile walks and 3-4 weight training sessions a week. At home, our diet was clean, with dining out limited to perhaps once or twice a month.

Despite these efforts, the Inca Trail proved to be an extraordinary challenge. It wasn’t just the physical toll; it was a test of mental resilience. Upon our return, concern clouded our relief. Why was my body struggling to move, plagued by pain and breathlessness, despite a year of rigorous preparation? This worry led me to visit my primary care doctor on October 12th, seeking answers.

The doctor’s blunt attribution of my difficulties to my weight felt like a dismissive oversimplification, especially after he referred me for gastric bypass surgery—a step I was reluctant to take, fearing its impact on my quality of life. I feared that I would never be able to properly fuel for long hikes if I had this extreme surgery.  My doctor did however run some blood work to appease me, although, he made it very clear, my troubles were because I was overweight. However, the alarm sounded the very next day with a call urging me to head to the ER due to an elevated D-Dimer level, hinting at the possibility of a blood clot.

In the ER, after a series of tests, including CT scans and blood work, all signs pointed to normalcy.  The only explanation was the bruises I had received from my falls on the trail, which could have been the sites of clots that I had fortunately passed. This episode, while frightening, offered a peculiar form of relief; there wasn’t a lingering, undiagnosed issue, but a temporary scare that highlighted the importance of listening to my body.

The roadblock came unexpectedly, not from my body, but from the system. Attempting to follow up on the referral to a bariatric doctor led to a maze of unreturned voicemails and dead ends, a frustrating ordeal that made me reconsider the entire approach.  This was not just a journey of physical transformation but a profound realization about the healthcare system’s limitations and the importance of advocating for one’s health.

Fast forward to January 2nd, 2024, a new chapter of my journey unfolded as I discovered a Weight Watchers sale. This program, known for its point allowance system where fruits and vegetables are zero points, seemed perfectly aligned with my intention to focus more on these nutrient-rich foods. Embracing this opportunity, I began incorporating a greater variety of fruits and vegetables into my diet, enjoying the freedom to eat them to my heart’s content.

My curiosity about dietary impacts on health led me to a few cozy evenings with Netflix, where a simple search for food documentaries opened my eyes to a new perspective. “What The Health” and “The Game Changers” were more than just films; they were catalysts for a deeper exploration into nutrition and its effects on our bodies and the environment. The information resonated with me on a profound level, echoing some of the research I had conducted years earlier but pushing me further into hours of watching and reading on the subject.


By January 10th, 2024, my decision was crystal clear: I would embrace a plant-based diet. This wasn’t just a dietary choice; within two additional days it was a commitment to a vegan lifestyle that promised not just weight loss but a more profound sense of well-being.  I did eventually get in to see the bariatric surgeon, but after I had already took matters in to my own hands.  He was actually quite confused on why my doctor thought I needed gastric bypass surgery and why he would have even referred me to his office.  

He did however agree to work with some of my other doctors to get my current medications really honed in to make sure nothing was preventing me to lose weight and nothing was causing me to gain weight.  They did work together to adjust one of my medications.  He did not want to put me on any injectables or any other weight loss medicines and I completely agreed with that decision. I didn’t want anything Ike that.  I just wanted to be healthy; I didn’t want anymore pills.  

Now, on March 27th, 2024, I stand 21 lbs lighter at 179 lbs, but the number on the scale is merely a reflection of a deeper transformation. The benefits of my vegan journey extend beyond weight loss; I feel more vibrant, more connected to my body, and more in tune with the natural world.


This segment of my journey highlights the power of information and the importance of being open to change. As I continue on this path, the lessons learned in Peru remain with me, but my recent experiences have added new layers of understanding and appreciation for the complex relationship between diet, health, and the environment. My transformation is ongoing, a testament to the idea that the journey to self-improvement is never truly finished but evolves with each new insight and discovery.

Throughout this short journey, not only have I had profound physical transformation, but profound internal transformations as well; I’ve experienced a cultivation of extreme empathy, particularly towards animals. I have always been an empathetic person, but this new level of empathy is next-level.  This newfound extreme empathy has not only changed my heart but has also brought a sense of peace and tranquility to my soul.

There’s something inherently beautiful about connecting with animals. Whether it’s the unconditional love of a pet, the peacefulness of farm animals in the fields, or the gentle presence of wildlife in nature, animals have a way of touching our hearts and teaching us invaluable lessons about compassion and understanding. Through my interactions with animals, I’ve learned to see the world from their perspective, to appreciate their unique qualities, and to treat them with the kindness and respect they deserve.


But this journey of empathy extends beyond the animal kingdom. It has also opened my eyes to the struggles and hardships faced by other people. By learning to empathize with their experiences, I’ve gained a deeper appreciation for the complexities of the human condition and the importance of extending kindness and support to those in need.

This newfound empathy has not only changed the way I interact with the world around me but has also brought a profound sense of fulfillment and joy into my life. It has reminded me of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the power we have to make a positive impact through simple acts of kindness and compassion.

In essence, this journey has taught me that empathy is not just a fleeting emotion but a way of being—a guiding principle that shapes how we relate to the world and the people and animals within it. And as I continue on this path, I am grateful for the empathy that has transformed my heart and calmed my soul, enriching my life in ways I never thought possible.


In conclusion, the difficulties I encountered in Peru, while challenging at the moment, have become blessings in disguise. Trekking the Inca Trail was far from easy, but in retrospect, I believe it might have been a pivotal turning point that saved, or at least significantly extended, my life. Not only extending it in length, but adding such a great quality of life to that length of life as well.  The physical and mental challenges brought about a stark realization of the need for change, propelling me towards a journey of self discovery and health (both mental and physical) prioritization.

This journey has taught me the invaluable lesson that sometimes, it’s the obstacles we face that guide us to our true path. The discomfort and concern sparked by my experiences in Peru led me to question, investigate, and ultimately transform my approach to health and wellness. For this, I am profoundly thankful. The Inca Trail did more than test my physical endurance; it awakened me to the importance of listening to my body, advocating for my health, and embracing a lifestyle that fosters well-being of myself and our planet.

As I continue to navigate this path of transformation, the memories of Peru serve as a constant reminder of where I started and how far I’ve come. The experience has inspired me with a sense of gratitude for my body, resilience, and the journey itself. It’s a poignant reminder that sometimes, the most challenging experiences are the ones that lead us to discover our strength, catalyze change, and ultimately, extend our lives.


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